About US

Welcome to the Kilkenny Agri Machinery, We are a main suppliers of parts for Valtra tractors, McHale balers, and JCB machinery. View our wide range of oil filters to suit ALL tractors and construction machinery. Our Stores Department stocks grease, belts, tractor seats, lighting, PTO parts, Teng tools, power washers, welders, batteries, plough parts, and a very wide range of workshop equipment.

Call our service department for a great offer on all tractor and machinery servicing. We offer a wide range of servicing and repair from tractors to teleporters to harvesting machinery. While we specialise in our own brands of machinery, we will service and repair all makes and models of farm equipment. It is our aim to provide you with a first-class service and we can also provide you with help in arranging a service PLAN for your machinery. We are now sharpening baler and forage wagon knives using our new professional aqua sharpening machine. The knives are sharpened in a coolant solution for longer-lasting ware.

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